Meet the Catalyst Team

headshot of Bonner Butler

At Catalyst Education, our mission is to improve lab education by wrapping digital content around in-person instruction. This commitment even extends to our Software team. Bonner Butler, the newest full-time member of the Catalyst team, is a former high school teacher for the state of Texas. With a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin, Bonner’s teaching experience informs his role as a Quality Assurance Engineer. 

We asked Bonner five questions to get to know more about him and his time here at Catalyst Education. Here’s what he had to say:

  1. What brought you to Catalyst Education?
    Due to the pandemic, I was looking for a change. I wanted to find a way to utilize both my teaching and QA experience, which brought me to Catalyst Education.

  2. What do you like most about working in this field?
    As online education becomes a larger portion of the higher ed landscape, I enjoy being on the edge of innovation. Catalyst is rethinking lab education to provide students and educators the versatility they need to navigate changing environments.

  3. How do you think technology helps improve learning?
    Technology affords students and educators the ability to meet on a level playing field. It also mitigates issues that sometimes arise with communication and provides scaffolding to help all students achieve.

  4. What do you hope to see in education in the future?
    Moving forward, online education will be more directly integrated with in-person instruction. There will no longer be a hard line between online and in-person instruction, which will expedite the growth and development of effective curriculum that meets the needs of a modern, diverse student population.

  5. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why?
    My newspaper supervisor in high school was the most influential instructor that I ever had. Mr. Henry related everything that he presented in the classroom to his own life, sharing with his students how and why learning, reading, and absorbing content was important in the process of cultivating one’s intellect and personality.

In his role on the Software team, Bonner thinks critically about how students and instructors will interact with Labflow to ensure everyone has a good experience. “I am excited to be a part of Catalyst Education because we are on the forefront of education innovation,” says Bonner. “Catalyst is improving learning and knowledge application by pioneering the integration of technology within the teaching laboratory setting.”


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